Based on the title above, most people muz hv knw bout war in Gaza rite? They r so kesian..
Tats why last saturday me and my team(chewah! my team pulak!) open a booth at carpark nearby Giant Bandar Kinrara, we call it as WARUNG SHAKE(what a nostalgic name! created by my mum..), we invite people do wellness evaluation n got to drink our shake made by my mum who was an experties in bancuh-ing shake juz for RM20..
Well, actually our booth was situated at d different place. Because my mum need to use electricity we have to move at another side..well, not many ppl was there. Its okay lo. We manage to sell bout 6 to 7 shakes if i'm not mistaken..whilst we are actually targetting 100 shakes to be sold..
Its long as we sold the shakes rite.
The event goes from 8 am till 2 pm. It was blazing hot tat tym so everybody gets tired very fast. including me. Tat day after we went back, i have to attend another booth in Mydin cuz Farah(my sideline) was there. She's alone so i go oso la. I drag my mum along since Lina and my Jie Jie unable to cum.
But i am very happy tat day! Hehe..cant tell u la why i am so happy..hehe
Okla tats all. Wish tat we can do another charity like we were doin tat day. Its better to help people that is inneed our help and oso help to do charity rite. Juz like throwing 2 birds wif one stone!!
Stay Healthy! If u are not healthy then call me!! I'll make u healthier than ever!!